EXAMPLES : Projects
2010-01-22 : Laurent VUIBERT
It's a great example of what he can do with odsPhpGenerator

$projet = new project();
$projet->addItem("2010-01-05", "2010-01-10", "#1", "#aaaaff");
$projet->addItem("2010-01-15", "2010-03-25", "#2", "#ffaaaa");
$projet->addItem("2010-01-01", "2010-01-25", "#3", "#aaffaa");
//echo $projet->html("2010-01-01","2010-02-28");
class project {
private $projectItems;
public function __construct() {
$this->projectItems = array();
private function gendate($start, $end) {
$data = array();
if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}$/", $start))
throw new Exception("Error; start date YYYY-MM-DD :".$start);
$ex1 = explode("-",$start);
if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}$/", $end))
throw new Exception("Error; end date YYYY-MM-DD :".$end);
$ex2 = explode("-",$end);
$start = mktime(0,0,0,$ex1[1],$ex1[2],$ex1[0]);
$end = mktime(0,0,0,$ex2[1],$ex2[2],$ex2[0]);
$data['days'] = array();
$data['days_nb'] = array();
$data['months'] = array();
$data['weeks'] = array();
$data['total_days'] = 0;
$pstart = $start;
while($pstart<=$end) {
array_push($data['days'],array('title'=>date('D',$pstart).' '.date('j',$pstart),'day'=>'1'));
$monthNb = date('n',$pstart);
if(!isset($data['months'][$monthNb])) {
$data['months'][$monthNb] = array(
'title' => date('F',$pstart),
$weekNb = date('W',$pstart);
if($weekNb == 53) $weekNb = 1;
if(!isset($data['weeks'][$weekNb])) {
$data['weeks'][$weekNb] = array(
'title' => $weekNb,
$data['projects'] = array();
foreach($this->projectItems as $projet) {
$ex1 = explode("-",$projet['start']);
$ex2 = explode("-",$projet['end']);
$pstart = mktime(0,0,0,$ex1[1],$ex1[2],$ex1[0]);
$pend = mktime(0,0,0,$ex2[1],$ex2[2],$ex2[0]);
if( $pstart<=$end AND $pend>=$start ) {
$tmp = array();
$tmp['title'] = $projet['title'];
$tmp['color'] = $projet['color'];
$tmp['shift'] = ($pstart-$start)/(60*60*24);
if($tmp['shift']<0) $tmp['shift']=0;
$tmp['days'] = ($end-$pstart)/(60*60*24)+1;
$tmp['days'] = ($pend-$pstart)/(60*60*24)+1;
array_push($data['projects'], $tmp);
return $data;
public function addItem($start, $end, $title, $color) {
if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}$/", $start))
throw new Exception("Error; start date YYYY-MM-DD :".$start);
if(!preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}$/", $end))
throw new Exception("Error; end date YYYY-MM-DD :".$end);
if(!preg_match("/^\#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/", $color))
throw new Exception("Error; color #XXXXXX :".$color);
"start" => $start,
"end" => $end,
"title" => $title,
"color" => $color
public function html($start, $end) {
$data = $this->gendate($start, $end);
$r .= "<table>";
$r .= "<tr>";
foreach($data['months'] AS $moi)
$r .= "<td style='border:1px solid black' colspan='$moi[day]'>$moi[title]</td>";
$r .= "</tr>\n";
$r .= "<tr>";
foreach($data['weeks'] AS $week)
$r .= "<td style='border:1px solid black' colspan='$week[day]'>$week[title]</td>";
$r .= "</tr>\n";
$r .= "<tr>";
foreach($data['days'] AS $day)
$r .= "<td style='border:1px solid black' colspan='$day[day]'>$day[title]</td>";
$r .= "</tr>\n";
foreach($data['projects'] AS $projet) {
$r .= "<tr>";
$r .= "<td colspan='$projet[shift]'> </td>";
$r .= "<td style='border:1px solid black; background-color:$projet[color]' colspan='$projet[days]'>$projet[title]</td>";
$r .= "</tr>\n";
$r .= "</table>";
return $r;
public function ods($start, $end) {
$data = $this->gendate($start, $end);
$ods = new ods();
$table = new odsTable('table 1');
// Set coluomn width
$styleColumn = new odsStyleTableColumn();
$table->addTableColumn( new odsTableColumn($styleColumn) );
$table->addTableColumn( $column = new odsTableColumn($styleColumn = new odsStyleTableColumn()) );
// Set Title Style
$styleTitle1 = new odsStyleTableCell();
$styleTitle1->setBorder("0.01cm solid #000000");
$styleTitle2 = clone $styleTitle1;
// Months style
$row = new odsTableRow();
$row->addCell( new odsTableCellString("Months:",$styleTitle1));
foreach($data['months'] AS $moi) {
$cell = new odsTableCellString($moi['title'],$styleTitle2);
$row->addCell( $cell );
$row = new odsTableRow();
$row->addCell( new odsTableCellString("Weeks :",$styleTitle1));
foreach($data['weeks'] AS $week) {
$cell = new odsTableCellString($week['title'],$styleTitle2);
$row->addCell( $cell );
$row = new odsTableRow();
$row->addCell( new odsTableCellString("Days:",$styleTitle1));
foreach($data['days'] AS $day) {
$cell = new odsTableCellString($day['title'],$styleTitle2);
$row->addCell( $cell );
foreach($data['projects'] AS $projet) {
$row = new odsTableRow();
$row->addCell( new odsTableCellString($projet['title'],$styleTitle1));
if($projet["shift"]) {
$cell = new odsTableCellEmpty();
$row->addCell( $cell );
$styleX = clone($styleTitle2);
$cell = new odsTableCellString($projet['title'],$styleX);
$row->addCell( $cell );
$ods->downloadOdsFile("tab.ods"); exit();