// Load library require_once('ods/ods.php'); // Create Ods object $ods = new ods(); // Create table named 'table 1' $table = new odsTable('table 1'); // Create the first row $row = new odsTableRow(); // Create 10 number cell for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { $row = new odsTableRow(); $row->addCell( new odsTableCellEmpty()); $row->addCell( new odsTableCellFloat(rand(0,50))); $table->addRow($row); } // Add Formula cell // Forumla is writen in english language, it's internal format for formula $row = new odsTableRow(); $row->addCell( new odsTableCellString("Sum :") ); $cell = new odsTableCellFloat(0); $cell->setFormula("SUM([.B1:.B10])"); $row->addCell( $cell ); $table->addRow($row); // Empty row $row = new odsTableRow(); $table->addRow($row); // 2nd example contatenate string $row = new odsTableRow(); $row->addCell( new odsTableCellString("Laurent") ); $row->addCell( new odsTableCellString("VUIBERT") ); $cell = new odsTableCellString(""); $row->addCell( $cell ); $cell->setFormula('CONCATENATE([.A13];" ";[.B13];" : ";[.B11])'); $table->addRow($row); // Attach talble to ods $ods->addTable($table); // Download the file $ods->downloadOdsFile("Formula.ods");